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Terms of Use


These Terms of Use (‘Terms’) constitute a legally binding contract between you as a user (‘User’ or ‘you’) and us, Evoplex Limited, located at UNIT 1603, 16TH FLOOR, THE L. PLAZA, 367 – 375 QUEEN’S ROADCENTRAL, SHEUNG WAN, HONG KONG, registration number 3181328 (‘we’, ‘Company’, ‘us’) in associationwith your use of services offered by the Company, provided through the Captions mobile and/or webapplication – Subtitles & Captions for Video (‘App’, ‘Services’).

The Terms govern your rights and duties concerning your use of the Services. Please read these Termscarefully before using our Services. By accessing or using our Services, you agree to be bound by theTerms. If you do not agree to be bound by the Terms, you may not use or access the Services.

Should you have any questions regarding the use of the App, these Terms or any other services providedby us, please drop us a line at

Your use of the Services

Eligibility. The Services are intended for people of different ages and are mostly based on a free-to-usebasis. You confirm that:

(a)  youhavereachedthelegalagewhereyouliveandyouhavethelegalcapacitytoenterintoandform a legally binding contract;
(b)  youhavenotpreviouslybeenprohibitedorrestrictedfromtheService;
(c)  youarenotacompetitoroforusingtheServiceforpurposesthatarecompetitivewiththe
Company and
(d)  yourregistrationandyouruseoftheServiceisincompliancewithanyandalllawsandregulations.

If you are a minor under the age of 18 (or the age of legal majority where you live) and at least 13 years ofage, it is necessary that your parents or guardians look through these Terms and give their consent onyour usage of the Services. It is especially important in case you would like to buy some of our paidServices. You are only permitted to use our Services through an account owned by a parent or legalguardian with their appropriate permission and under their direct supervision.

If you are a parent or legal guardian of a user under the age of 18 (or the age of legal majority), you agreeto be fully responsible for the acts or omissions of such user in connection with the use of the Services.

Children under 13 years are not permitted to use the Services.Children under 13 years are not permitted to use the Services.

If you are accessing or using the Services on behalf of another person or entity, you represent that you areauthorized to accept these Terms on that person or entity’s behalf and that the person or entity agrees tobe responsible to us if you or the other person or entity violates these Terms.

Privacy. The Company is aimed to protect your privacy. To find out how we collect and process yourpersonal data, and what are your rights regarding your personal data, please see our Privacy Policy.

Description of the Services

Scope of the Services. Our App is a service which provides easy-to-use software tools to edit video andother forms of content. The User may create or edit content through the Service, such as video, byadding subtitles, teleprompter and/or generating AI-based scenarios. Using artificial intelligence and/orother technology, the Service automatically transcribes, captions, and teleprompter to the Userʼscontent.

The Company may, in its sole direction, (i) provide other software tools in the Services, such as lip sync,eye contact and/or AI-avatar, and (ii) make changes and updates to these Terms, so you should reviewthem periodically. Details of any potential updates are provided below.

Registration. You may be required to create a user account to access our certain Services (“UserAccount”). You do not need to register a separate account to use our Services. You may create a UserAccount by authorising through your account on third-party services, such as Google, Apple or Facebook,or via email without verification or password creation. In all such cases, the services will share with ussome data about you so we can identify you properly. To discover what data and for what reasons wereceive, visit our Privacy Policy. Additionally, you can add your email address if you want us to inform youabout our updates and send you our marketing offers.

Tech requirements. To use the App, you will need a device that meets the system and compatibilityrequirements for the relevant content, working Internet access, and compatible software. We are notresponsible for the App’ malfunctions, if they are caused due to the inadequacy of your device, Internetconnection or software.

Updates. The Company reserves the right to update the Services in any way at its sole discretion. TheseTerms will also apply to any updates, enhancements, and new features on the Services not expresslymentioned hereunder and implemented after these Terms became effective. If the new featuressubstantially change your position as a user, we will explicitly notify you about such features.

You, as the user acknowledge, accept and agree that the Company shall not be held liable for any suchupdates, modifications, enhancements, suspensions or discontinuance of any of our Services. Yourcontinued use of the Services provided, after such posting of any updates, changes, and/or modificationsshall constitute your acceptance of such updates, enhancements and/or modifications, and/or otherchanges. As such, you should frequently review these Terms and any and all applicable terms andpolicies to ensure you are aware of all terms and policies currently in effect. If you do not agree to theupdated, modified, revised, or modified terms, you must stop using the Services.

Disclaimers as to the Liability for the User account. We use the official API of third-party services. So,only those services shall be liable for the access to your account and its proper work. In case you haveany reason to suspect that your credentials for synchronization or payment methods have been lost,stolen, misappropriated, or otherwise compromised or in case of any actual or suspected unauthorizeduse of the account, you must work this out with those third-party services which support your account.You are solely responsible for all and any activities conducted through your devices.

Payments and refunds

This section of the Terms applies only to those Services that you can get for an additional fee incontrast to most of the Services that are free to use.

When you make the in-App purchases you enter into a separate contract with the Company based onthese Terms (as applicable). Your contract for the purchase and use of the paid Services is completedonce you receive the email from Google Play, App Store or Stripe confirming your purchase of thoseServices, and performance of this contract begins as soon as the purchase is complete. The paid Serviceswill become available for you only after the payment is made in full.

Payments via the intermediary. Please take into account that all payments are carried out by theintermediary services and not the Company itself. The payment occurs with the usage of one of threepayment methods, two of which depend on your device’s operating system: Google payments forAndroid devices and App Store payments for IOS and MacOS (as applicable) devices. The third paymentmethod can be made on the web application through Stripe payments.

We recommend that you carefully read the terms of service provision of the selected financialintermediary, as well as its privacy policies. Please pay attention that your relations with such financialintermediaries are governed by a separate agreement. The intermediary service identifies the user asnecessary to conclude the contract and make the purchase.

You should bear all costs charged by your bank (or financial intermediary) as may be necessary to enablethe respective transaction.

Prices. The Company reserves the right to determine pricing for the Services. The prices of the Servicesare specified inside of the App and we will make reasonable efforts to keep pricing information up todate. The prices do not include the amount of applicable taxes you should pay when buying the Servicesin accordance with the applicable laws of your country.

The Company may change fees for any feature of the Service in a manner allowed by the Apple AppStore, Google Play or Stripe rules. We encourage you to check the current pricing information from timeto time.

The Company, at its sole discretion, may make promotional offers with different features and differentprices for any user, as well as offer discounts. These promotional offers and/or discounts, unless made toyou via email or available in App, will not apply to these Terms.

Purchase. We may provide our Services on a subscription basis, while certain modules, tools, features, orother functionality (collectively, “Features”) may be also offered for payment. When you purchase someFeatures offered for payment, you purchase them once, and access to such Features doesn’t expire.

If you select purchasing a Services subscription (regardless of the offered type of subscription), you willbe billed on a periodic basis in accordance with the applicable billing cycle. The Services subscription willbegin on the date when you purchase your first subscription to the Service and continue for thesubscription period that you select in the App, and will automatically renew for successive periods of thesame duration, unless you cancel the subscription or we terminate it. If you do not wish to continue yourServices subscription, you must cancel it before it renews.

We reserve the right to revise the terms of your Services subscription, including pricing, upon renewal ofyour Services subscription by giving you notice of the revision(s) prior to that renewal. If you do notaccept the revision(s), you may cancel your Services subscription.

Both you and the Company may cancel your Services subscription in the manner specified by the AppleApp Store, Google Play or Stripe.

Free Trial. The Company may, at its sole discretion, offer a Services subscription with a free trial for alimited term stipulated in the App. You may need to activate the Services subscription to use the freetrial.

If you activate the Services subscription to take advantage of the free trial, you will not be charged untilthe end of the free trial. Unless you cancel your subscription more than 24 hours before your renewaldate, you will be automatically charged the applicable Services Subscription fees for the type ofsubscription you have selected.

At any time and without notice, we reserve the right to (i) modify the terms and conditions of the freetrial offer, or (ii) cancel such free trial offer.

Delinquent payments. The Company may suspend or terminate access to the Services, includingfee-based portions of the Services Subscription for which any amount is due but unpaid. If your paymentmethod is no longer valid at the time a renewal Services Subscription payment is due, then the Companyreserves the right to cancel your Services Subscription, and delete any information or User Content(defined below) without any liability to you.

Refunds. Any payments to the Company may be refunded if required under the applicable laws oraccording to the refund terms of Google Play Store, App Store and Stripe. For example, you have theright for a refund if the App and Website is not working. In order to request a refund, you should contactApple, Google or Stripe support directly, who will process your request according to their refund policies.

App store refund policy

Google play refund policy

Stripe refund policy

In some cases, you may contact our support team at with your refundrequest. We will review it on a case by case basis at our sole discretion and make a refund decision if wedeem it appropriate.

We are not generally obliged to make a refund when:

  • your request is based on your mistake; or
  • you lack the expertise to use our Services; or
  • you have changed your mind regarding the use of the Services, or
  • you have breached these Terms.

Prohibited Conduct

By using the Services, you agree not to:

  • Use the Services in any unlawful manner, in particular, by violating the rights of the others;
  • Use or take part (directly or indirectly) in the use of automation software, emulators, bots, hacks, or any unauthorized third-party software designed to modify or interfere with the Services; access theServices through any automated means (including use of scripts, crawlers or similar technologiesfrom time to time); perform acts aimed at breach of normal functioning of the Services;
  • Use the App for attempting to, or assisting, authorizing or encouraging others to circumvent, disableor defeat any of the security features or components that protect, obfuscate or otherwise restrictaccess to the App;
  • Solicit or attempt to solicit any login credentials or personal data from other users of the Services;
  • Collect or use anyone’s private information, including personally identifiable information (whether in text, image or video form), identification documents, or financial information through the Services;
  • Commercially exploit the materials on the Apps (as indicated above) in any way, including, by (sub)licensing, (re)selling, transferring, assigning, distributing the Services to any third party in anyway; remove any watermarks, labels or other legal or proprietary notices included in the Apps, orattempt to modify the App used via the website or obtained through Google Play or App Store,including any modification for the purpose of disguising or changing any indications of theownership or source of the App;
  • Modify or cause to be modified any files that are a part of the Services without the Company’sexpress written consent;
  • Upload any viruses or malicious code or do anything else that will negatively affect the App, impairtheir functionality or compromise the data of the Company;
  • Reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, decipher or otherwise attempt to derive the source codefor any underlying software or other intellectual property used to provide the Services, or to obtainany information from the Services using any method not expressly permitted by the Company;
  • Use the App as a part of any service for sharing, lending or multi-person use, except as specificallypermitted and only in the exact manner provided;
  • Act in violation of any of the Google Play and Apple Store restrictions;
  • Facilitate or support any of the actions described above.
  • The content published on the Services or displayed when sending messages to the Company or in the App’s chats shall not contain any of the following types of content:
  • Content that infringes a third party’s rights (e.g., copyright) according to applicable law;
  • Excessively profane content;
  • Hate-related or violent content, unlawful, obscene, harmful, threatening, harassing, defamatory or hateful or that contain objects or symbols of hate, deceptive, threatening, abusive, inciting ofunlawful action, defamatory, libelous, vulgar or violent or constitute hate speech or are otherwiseobjectionable;
  • Content advocating racial or ethnic intolerance;
  • Content intended to advocate or advance computer hacking or cracking;
  • Other illegal activity, including without limitation illegal export of controlled substances or illegal software;
  • Drug paraphernalia;
  • Phishing;
  • Malicious content;
  • Other material, products or services that violate or encourage conduct that would violate any criminal laws, any other applicable laws, or any third-party rights.

Intellectual property

Company’s Content. The Services are owned and operated by the Company. The visual interfaces,graphics, design, compilation, information, data, computer code (including source code or object code),products, software, services, and all other elements of the Services (‘Materials’) provided by theCompany are protected by intellectual property and other laws. All Materials included in the App are the property of the Company or its third-party licensors. Except as expressly authorized by the Company, youmay not use the Materials. The Company reserves all rights to the Materials not granted expressly inthese Terms.

Company’s License. The Company grants you a non-transferable, non-exclusive, revocable, worldwide,limited license to access and use the Services in the ways described in these Terms (‘Company’s License’). The Company grants the Company’s License for the term of the Services using.

For clarity, the permissions are limited to the Services, and no rights are granted with respect to anyservers, computers, or databases associated with the Services.

User’s Content. Your User Content stays yours. Users of the Services (whether you or others) mayprovide us with content, including without limitation text, photos, images, music, audio, videos, fonts,logos, stickers and associated content, and any other materials (‘User’s Content’ or ‘Your Content’).

We do not own Your Content used or provided by you in connection with our certain App.

We have no ability to control Your Content that is used or provided in connection with such App, and donot have any obligation to monitor such content for any purpose. We merely perform technical functionsnecessary to offer you the App and Website and its functions, regardless of whether such functions allowyou to modify, reformat your content or make a derivative or compiled work.

You are solely responsible for controlling, maintaining and protecting all Your Content that you access,store or make available, or that is otherwise processed, through the App.

You may use Your Content in relation to the App for lawful purposes only. You agree to abide by allapplicable local, state, national and foreign laws and regulations.

We reserve the right to restrict use of any content in connection with the App without notice. Youacknowledge and agree that we may, at our option, establish usage limits in relation to Your Content.

Content Removal. We can remove any of Your Content you share with us by using our App if we believethat it violates these Terms, or we are permitted or required to do so by law. We can refuse to provide orstop providing all or part of the App to you or disable your access to the App or its certain features if youviolate these Terms and/or create risk or legal exposure for us.

License Grant. By using respective features of an applicable App, including by uploading Your Contentyou hereby grant to us a non-exclusive, worldwide, fully paid, royalty-free, sublicensable andtransferable right and license to use, host, store, reproduce, modify, create derivative or compiled worksof (such as those resulting from adaptations or other changes that are made of User Content using theApp), adapt, perform, display, publish, distribute, transmit to third persons, and otherwise exploit YourContent for the limited purposes of allowing us to provide the Services.

Your Representations. By using Your Content in connection with the Apps, you agree that you have allnecessary licenses and permissions to use Your Content; and the rights necessary to grant the licenses inthe Terms. You further represent and warrant that neither Your Content nor us providing the App andany functions included therein for your use in connection with your content, will infringe, misappropriateor violate a third party’s patent, copyright, trademark, trade secret, moral rights or other intellectualproperty rights, or rights of publicity or privacy, or result in the violation of any applicable law orregulation, or a breach of contract between you and a third party.

Output. The Services may transmit User Content as inputhat process it using artificial intelligence and/orother technologies. In this case we act as an intermediary between You and such services. Regulationson the status of outputs generated by such services may be rudimentary and differ in different jurisdictions. We therefore cannot provide any assurances that You have an unlimited legal right to usethese outputs.

Third-Party Links

You may have an opportunity to leave the App via the links to third-party websites and services. Also, wemay provide you with links to our profiles in social media or other social platforms.

Such third-party links are not under the control of the Company, and the Company is not responsible forthem. We may provide you with these links only for your convenience, and the inclusion of any such linkdoes not imply the endorsement by the Company of such third-party websites.

You use all third-party links at your own risk. You should apply a suitable level of caution when doing so.When you click on any of the third-party links, the applicable third party’s terms and policies apply,including conditions of the third party’s privacy practices. We recommend you reading any such termsand policies carefully before using the respective third-party website.

Our App may contain some advertisements provided by a third party. We do not control suchadvertisements and cannot guarantee that they are reliable or accurate. Inclusion of advertisementsdoes not mean that we endorse the goods or services that they offer, and we bear no liability for anydecision by you to purchase or otherwise receive such goods or services.

In some cases, we may show you advertisements of other Company’s products and/or cooperate withadvertisers to offer you sponsored goods or services. In case we provide you with sponsoredadvertisements of goods and services, the exclusive responsibility is on the respective providers, and weshall have no liability for such goods or services.

If you are unsatisfied with the sponsored goods or services, you shall contact the third-party providersand request them, not us, to resolve the problem.

Disclaimers and Limitations of Liability

No provisions of these Terms will prejudice the statutory rights that you may have as a consumer of theServices. The laws of some countries and jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of some kinds ofwarranties or the limitation of liability as stated in this section, so the below terms may not fully apply toyou. Instead, in such jurisdictions, the exclusions and limitations below shall apply only to the extentpermitted by the laws of such jurisdictions.

Disclaimer as to the warranties on the App’s operation.

You use the Services at your own risk and subject to the disclaimers set in these Terms. The Services areprovided on an “as-is” and “as available” basis. This means that we cannot (and we do not) make thewarranty that the Services will be uninterrupted, timely, or error-free. We shall not be obliged to ensurethe operation of the Services on all platforms, for all devices or under certain specific conditions.

The Company does not warrant that (i) the service will meet your specific requirements, (ii) the servicewill be uninterrupted, timely, secure, or error-free, (iii) the results that may be obtained from the use ofthe Services will be accurate or reliable, (iv) the quality of any products, services, information, or other material purchased or obtained by you through the Services will meet your expectations, and (v) anyerrors in the Services will be corrected.

Despite the stated above, the Services shall be provided within a reasonable time and fit for anypurposes specified within the App or those that follow from the App context.

Disclaimer as to the warranties and the role of Apple.

In any case, we and you acknowledge that:

  • These Terms are concluded between us and you only, and not with Apple. We are responsible forthe Apps and all content thereof, except for the User Content. We acknowledge that Apple has noobligation whatsoever to furnish any maintenance and support services with respect to the Apps foriOS.
  • Apple has no obligation whatsoever to furnish any maintenance and support services with respectto the App. We are solely responsible for providing any maintenance and support services withrespect to the App.
  • We, and not Apple, are solely responsible for any product warranties, whether express or implied bylaw, to the extent not effectively disclaimed. In the event of any failure of the App to conform to anyapplicable warranty, you may notify Apple, and Apple will refund the purchase price for the App toyou; and that, to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Apple will have no otherwarranty obligation whatsoever with respect to the App, and any other claims, losses, liabilities,damages, costs or expenses attributable to any failure to conform to any warranty will be Your soleresponsibility.
  • The Company, not Apple, is responsible for addressing any claims from you or any third partyrelating to the App or your possession and/or use of that App, including, but not limited to: (i)product liability claims; (ii) any claim that the App fails to conform to any applicable legal orregulatory requirement; and (iii) claims arising under consumer protection or similar legislation.
  • In the event of any third party claim that the App or your possession and use of that App infringesthat third party’s intellectual property rights, the Company, not Apple, will be solely responsible forthe investigation, defense, settlement and discharge of any such intellectual property infringementclaim.
  • You must represent and warrant that (i) you are not located in a country that is subject to a U.S.Government embargo, or that has been designated by the U.S. Government as a “terroristsupporting” country; and (ii) you are not listed on any U.S. Government list of prohibited orrestricted parties.
  • Apple’s subsidiaries are third party beneficiaries of the EULA, and upon your acceptance of theTerms, Apple will have the right (and will be deemed to have accepted the right) to enforce theTerms against you as a third party beneficiary thereof.

Disclaimer as to the warranties and the role of Google

In any case, we and you acknowledge that:

  • These Terms are concluded between us and you only, and not with Google, Inc (“Google”).
  • Your use of Google-Sourced Software must comply with Google’s then-current Google Play StoreTerms of Service.
  • Google is only a provider of the Google Play Store where you obtained the Google-SourcedSoftware.
  • The Company, and not Google, is solely responsible for its Google-Sourced Software.
  • Google has no obligation or liability to you with respect to Google-Sourced Software or the Terms.
  • You acknowledge and agree that Google is a third-party beneficiary to the Terns as it relates to theCompany’s Google-Sourced Software

Disclaimer as to the warranties regarding the damages that may be caused to you.

To the maximum extent permitted by the law, in no event shall the Company be liable for any special,incidental, indirect, or consequential damages whatsoever in any way related to the use of the Services.This limitation should apply even if the Company has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

We disclaim all warranties and conditions, either expressed, implied or statutory, including, but notlimited to any warranties or conditions of fitness for a purpose, lack of viruses, accuracy or completenessof any information, or correspondence to description, as regards our Services.

Disclaimer as to the claims of third parties in concern of your breaches of the Terms.

The Company will immediately inform you in case of any claims or actions brought against the Companyconcerning:

(a)  your unauthorized use of, or misuse of, the Services;
(b)  your violation of any portion of these Terms, any representation, warranty, or agreement
referenced in these Terms, or any applicable law or regulation;
(c)  your violation of any third party right, including any intellectual property right, or publicity,
confidentiality, other property, or privacy right;
(d)  personal data; or
(e)  any dispute or issue between you and any third party.

All costs and expenses related to settlement of the specified claims, actions and/or legal proceedingsshall be borne by you. You shall assume the obligation to compensate in full the costs of all expensesincurred by the Company due to occurrence of the circumstances specified herein.


The Company reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to modify or replace any part of these Terms. It isyour responsibility to check these Terms periodically for changes. If you continue to use the Servicesafter such amendments are made, you will be considered as having accepted all of them, unless there isan obligation imposed on the Company by the applicable law to obtain your explicit consent to theamendments. If the changes are substantial, we will notify you about them. The Company solely defineswhat changes should be considered as substantial.

Applicable Law and Dispute Resolution

By visiting and using the App, you agree that the Terms are governed by and construed in accordancewith the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China.

All disputes and disagreements that might arise from these Terms shall be resolved throughnegotiations. For the purposes of the settlement of such disputes, e-mail correspondence with theauthorized persons of the Company at shall be the effective and bindingmethod of communication.

If the dispute cannot be resolved through negotiation within 30 calendar days, it shall be referred to andfinally resolved by the appropriate courts located in the country, where our legal entity specified in theapplicable app store or on the Website is located. You agree and submit to the exercise of personaljurisdiction of such courts for the purpose of litigating any such claim or action.

By agreeing to these Terms, you are:

  • Waiving claims that you might otherwise have against us based on the laws of other jurisdictions, including your own;
  • Irrevocably consenting to the exclusive jurisdiction of, and venue in, the state courts located in the country, where our legal entity specified in the applicable app store or on the Website is located, over any disputes or claims you have with us;
  • Submitting yourself to the personal jurisdiction of such courts for the purpose of resolving any such disputes or claims.

Nothing in this Section shall limit our right to take proceedings against you in any other court ofcompetent jurisdiction, nor shall the taking of proceedings in any one or more jurisdictions preclude thetaking of proceedings in any other jurisdiction, whether concurrently or not, to the extent permitted bythe laws of such other jurisdiction.


You agree to defend, indemnify, and hold us, our parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, customers, vendors, andour and their respective officers, directors, employees and agents, harmless from and against any claims,liabilities, damages, losses, and expenses, including without limitation reasonable attorney’s fees andcosts, arising out of or in any way connected with:

  • Your access to or use (or misuse) of the App or any other content or services that you access usingthe App.
  • Your violation of these Terms.
  • Your violation of any third-party right, including without limitation any intellectual property right, publicity, confidentiality, property or privacy right.
  • Any claim that Your Content or any of your actions caused damage to a third party.

Nothing in this Section shall limit our right to take proceedings against you in any other court ofcompetent jurisdiction, nor shall the taking of proceedings in any one or more jurisdictions preclude thetaking of proceedings in any other jurisdiction, whether concurrently or not, to the extent permitted bythe laws of such other jurisdiction.

Termination of these Terms

These Terms shall be valid until the provision of the Services is terminated either by you or us.

Termination by you.

You can terminate these Terms at any time and for any reason by deleting the App(s) of the Companyfrom your device.

Termination by the Company.

We reserve the right, without notice and at our sole discretion, to terminate these Terms or suspendyour right to access the Services in case of:

  • your breach of the Terms, or any of the obligation under these Terms or applicable laws,or if webelieve that you have committed fraud, negligence or other misconduct, or
  • you infringe proprietary rights, rights of privacy, or intellectual property rights of any person,business or organization, or
  • you engaged in other actions relating to the App that may be illegal or cause liability, harm,embarrassment, harassment, abuse or disruption for you, other users, us, any other third parties orfor the App or
  • it is required by applicable law.

The Company also reserves the right to stop supporting the Services or part of them at any time, atwhich point your right to use the Service or a part thereof will be automatically terminated. In such anevent, the Company shall not be required to provide refunds, benefits or other compensation to users inconnection with such discontinued Services.

Effect of Termination.

Upon termination of these Terms all licenses and rights to use the App shall immediately terminate.Upon any termination you must cease all use of the App and promptly delete all copies, full or partial, ofthe App.

Upon any termination Your Content stored by us (if any) will no longer be accessible. We will have noobligation to maintain any information and content stored in our database related to you or your use ofthe App, or to forward any information to you or any third party, unless it is required by the applicableprivacy law.

Any suspension or termination of these Terms will not affect your obligations to us under these Terms,including, without limitation, proprietary rights and ownership, indemnification and limitation of liability.Our warranty disclaimers or limitations of liabilities, and dispute resolution provisions stated in theTerms will survive as well.

Contact Information

Company name: Evoplex Limited


Phone number: